1.b3d62.Bb2e5I like this simple approach to the Nimzowitch-Larsen
attack. Black erects a barrier to white's bishop, and gives himself
chances of later activity on the king-side.3.e3Nf64.Nf3g65.d4e46.Nfd2Bg77.c40-08.Nc3Re89.Qc2?!The opening has transposed into a
reversed Kings Indian Attack. White needs to play with care, otherwise
Black will take the initiative. This queen move 'forces' Black into doing
what he wants, which is to over-protect the advanced e-pawn. Much better
was 9.Be2 with a view to castling quickly on the king-side.Qe710.Be2h511.Nd5?White has dreams of attacking down the c-file but this
is premature. 11.O-O or 11.h3 are viable moves.Nxd512.cxd5c6!
Black attacks the advanced pawn immediately and at the same time improves
his development.13.dxc6Nxc614.Ba3?Far too optimistic. Castling was
vital.Nxd4!The computer prefers 14...Qg5, but this sacrifice is
very thematic. Black takes advantage of white's more open king and poorer
development to blast through in the centre and release the power of all
his pieces.15.exd4Bxd416.Bb2e317.fxe3?His last chance was 17.
Bxd4 exf2+ 18. Kxf2 when he has eliminated one attacker, and it is not
completely clear how Black will continue.Qxe318.0-0-0Bf5!
Adding more fuel to the fire.19.Bxd4Qxd420.Nf3Qe3+Black cashes in -
although the computer prefers 20...Qf6.21.Qd2Qxe222.Qxe2Rxe223.Nd4?A final error, allowing Black's last piece to join the party with
decisive effect. 23. Rd2 was the only move, though after 23...Rc8+ 24.
Kd1 Rxd2 the ending is completely hopeless.Rc8+It's mate in 3!0–1